​ Currencycloud has multiple APIs that form the essential building blocks of a cross-border payment. Developers are able to select and integrate the components they wish to use in order to create a custom solution that works for them.

We have written guides for the most common use cases to help you integrate with our APIs. ​ ​


​ All of our endpoints require authentication to access. This guide walks you through the authentication process.
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Checking your balances

​ This guide will show you how to check how much money you hold in a particular currency and also how to find out your currenct balances for all foreign currencies held in your Currencycloud account.
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Transferring funds between balances

​ Learn how to manage the movement of funds between the balances of your Currencycloud accounts.
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Making simple payments to beneficiaries

​ This guide explains the steps involved in making a payment to a new beneficiary and considers the information you need to provide.
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Checking foreign exchange rates

​ Learn about the two endpoints we have for checking foreign exchange rate and understand the difference between them.
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Converting funds from one currency to another

​ Find out how to use our APIs to convert money from one currency to another.
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Adding an FX spread / markup

​ This guide explains how to add a markup to the indicative rate requested for an end customer.
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Paying a beneficiary using funds in a different currency

​ This guide considers the scenario of needing to make a payment to a beneficiary in a different currency to what you currently hold.
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Inbound funds / collections

​ This guide demonstrates how to use push notifications and API calls to reconcile funds received into your Currencycloud account.
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Sub-account activity (on_behalf_of)

​ Sub-accounts (or named accounts) refer to the multi-currency eWallets you can establish for your customers, which sit within your House Account. This guide explains how to execute transactions on behalf of your customers when sub-accounts are in use.
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Confirmation of Payee Outbound (UK)

​ Learn how to verify a beneficiary's bank account details before creating a beneficiary in order to improve customer experience and reduce misdirected payments in the UK.
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