Sub-Account Activity (on_behalf_of)

Named accounts, also known as sub-accounts, are accounts that represent your end customers. If you are operating as a regulated entity (RFXB, MSB, etc), we would anticipate that you are performing your own KYC/due diligence on these customers and may have a need to set up accounts for each customer where Collection, Payment, and Conversion activity is conducted out of each individual account and where these accounts can hold multi-currency wallets. 

You may also use sub-accounts if you are operating as an unregulated entity where we, Currencycloud, own the direct relationship with your end customer and we undertake the onboarding/KYC and creation of sub-accounts.

When sub-accounts are utilized, in order to access and transact any activity on the sub-account a contact needs to be created. Once a contact is created, the on_behalf_of parameter should be used in the transactional events (conversion, payment, transactions, searching) at the sub-account level. 

This cookbook will consider the initial setup of a sub-account along with a basic conversion and payment use case for a regulated entity.


You need to have authenticated and have an authentication token before accessing any of Currencycloud's endpoints. Please refer to the authentication guide for instructions to start a new API session.

Establishing a sub-account for a customer

Step 1: Create a sub-account

Once you have completed your own KYC processes on your end customer, you will need to create a sub-account in the Currencycloud ecosystem using the Create Accounts endpoint. An example of a successful request and response looks like this:

POST /v2/accounts/create

Parameter NameParameter TypeExample Value
account_nameForm DataJimmy's Burritos
legal_entity_typeForm Datacompany
streetForm Data123 Main Street
cityForm DataDenver
countryForm DataUS
postal_codeForm Data80209
your_referenceForm Data12345678
statusForm Dataenabled
state_or_provinceForm DataCO
identification_typeForm Dataincorporation_number
identification_valueForm Data123456789


    "id": "53d15949-b1e9-4335-a4e4-56ae8adef95e",
    "account_name": "Jimmy's Burritos",
    "brand": "currencycloud",
    "your_reference": "123456789",
    "status": "enabled",
    "street": "123 Main Street",
    "city": "Denver",
    "state_or_province": "CO",
    "country": "US",
    "postal_code": "80209",
    "spread_table": "flat_0.00",
    "legal_entity_type": "company",
    "created_at": "2021-03-25T15:22:47.276+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-25T15:22:47.275+00:00",
    "identification_type": "incorporation_number",
    "identification_value": "123456789",
    "short_reference": "210325-03783",
    "api_trading": true,
    "online_trading": true,
    "phone_trading": true,
    "process_third_party_funds": false,
    "settlement_type": "net",
    "agent_or_reliance": false,
    "terms_and_conditions_accepted": null

From the response payload  you will need to parse and retain the Account UUID, (id) parameter from the above example.  This value will be used in the next API call to create a contact on this specific sub-account. 

Step 2: Create a Contact

The next step is to create a contact for the new sub-account you just created using the Create Contact endpoint. Creating a contact that is attached to the sub-account will allow you to conduct a conversion, payment, and reporting activity at the sub-account level. 

Please be aware that login_id must be unique, email_address is used if no login_id is specified.

An example of a successful request and response payload looks like this:

POST /v2/contacts/create

Parameter NameParameter TypeExample Value
account_idForm Data53d15949-b1e9-4335-a4e4-56ae8adef95e
first_nameForm DataEric
last_nameForm DataJohnson
email_addressForm Data[email protected]
phone_numberForm Data99999999
your_referenceForm Data123456789
statusForm Dataenabled
timezoneForm DataAmerica/New York
date_of_birthForm Data1993-01-01


    "login_id": "[email protected]",
    "id": "ce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560",
    "first_name": "Eric",
    "last_name": "Johnson",
    "account_id": "53d15949-b1e9-4335-a4e4-56ae8adef95e",
    "account_name": "Jimmy's Burritos",
    "status": "enabled",
    "locale": "en",
    "timezone": "America\/New_York",
    "email_address": "[email protected]",
    "mobile_phone_number": null,
    "phone_number": "99999999",
    "your_reference": "123456789",
    "date_of_birth": "1993-01-01",
    "created_at": "2021-03-25T15:45:22.325+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-25T15:45:22.320+00:00"

You will need to parse and obtain the id parameter from the example response payload above. This value will be used for the on_behalf_of parameter for subsequent API calls. 

Making a conversion on behalf of your customer

Step 1: Get a quote on behalf of your customer

This basic flow assumes that the sub-account has available funds in a multi currency account. For testing purposes in our Demo environment, please work with your dedicated Solutions Consultant so they can assist you in having fake funds credited to individual sub-account wallets.  

Let's see how much it will cost to buy 10,000 EUR using funds from your customer's GBP balance, by making a call to the Get Detailed Rates endpoint.

GET /v2/rates/detailed

Parameter NameParameter TypeExample Value
buy_currencyQuery StringEUR
sell_currencyQuery StringGBP
amountQuery String10000.00
fixed_sideQuery Stringbuy
on_behalf_ofQuery Stringce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560

On success, the response payload will contain details of Currencycloud's quotation to make the conversion on behalf of your customer. The following example tells you that your customer can sell £8037.00 to buy €10,000. Please note, the quote is only indicative and a conversion must be booked to lock a rate.


    "settlement_cut_off_time": "2021-03-29T14:30:00Z",
    "currency_pair": "EURGBP",
    "client_buy_currency": "EUR",
    "client_sell_currency": "GBP",
    "client_buy_amount": "10000.00",
    "client_sell_amount": "8037.00",
    "fixed_side": "buy",
    "client_rate": "0.8037",
    "partner_rate": null,
    "core_rate": "0.8037",
    "deposit_required": false,
    "deposit_amount": "0.0",
    "deposit_currency": "GBP",
    "mid_market_rate": "0.8036"

 Step 2: Making a conversion on behalf of your customer

If you and your customer are happy with the quote, you can create the conversion for your customer by calling the Create Conversion endpoint.

Optionally, you may provide an idempotency key (via the unique_request_id parameter). This helps protect against accidental duplicate conversions.

POST /v2/conversions/create

Parameter NameParameter TypeExample Value
buy_currencyForm DataEUR
sell_currencyForm DataGBP
amountForm Data10000.00
fixed_sideForm Databuy
reasonForm DataTop up Euros balance
term_agreementForm Datatrue
on_behalf_ofForm Datace404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560
unique_request_idForm Data5f022044-1277-4f7e-a68e-c68783647748

On success, the payload of the response message will contain full details of the conversion as recorded against the customer's Currencycloud named sub-account. Example response: 

    "id": "0e716494-3688-499a-8391-38096582aad5",
    "settlement_date": "2021-03-29T14:30:00+00:00",
    "conversion_date": "2021-03-29T00:00:00+00:00",
    "short_reference": "20210325-XPWDTQ",
    "creator_contact_id": "ce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560",
    "account_id": "53d15949-b1e9-4335-a4e4-56ae8adef95e",
    "currency_pair": "EURGBP",
    "status": "awaiting_funds",
    "buy_currency": "EUR",
    "sell_currency": "GBP",
    "client_buy_amount": "10000.00",
    "client_sell_amount": "8037.00",
    "fixed_side": "buy",
    "core_rate": "0.8037",
    "partner_rate": "",
    "partner_buy_amount": "0.00",
    "partner_sell_amount": "0.00",
    "client_rate": "0.8037",
    "deposit_required": false,
    "deposit_amount": "0.00",
    "deposit_currency": "",
    "deposit_status": "not_required",
    "deposit_required_at": "",
    "payment_ids": [],
    "unallocated_funds": "10000.00",
    "unique_request_id": null,
    "created_at": "2021-03-25T20:53:47+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-25T20:53:48+00:00",
    "mid_market_rate": "0.8036"

This conversion will settle automatically on the  settlement_date  as long as there are sufficient funds in the sub-account's GBP balance to cover the client_sell_amount. Please use your Cash Manager to top up your customer's sub-account GBP balance if necessary.

Sending a payment on behalf of your customer

Now that you have converted funds into EUR,  you can make a payment on behalf of your customer to a beneficiary. This next section will walk you through adding beneficiaries at the sub-account level, checking account balances, and making a payment. 

Step 1: Check available balances

To find out how many Euros your customer has in their currency wallet, call the Get Balance endpoint, passing EUR as the third URI path parameter and include on_behalf_of as a query string parameter.

GET /v2/balances/EUR/?on_behalf_of=ce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560
X-Auth-Token: ea6d13c7bc50feb46cf978d137bc01a2

The following response shows that your customer's sub-account holds €987,456.00.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

    "id": "a1c6c7dc-430c-438c-b7e2-60d33b517ab8",
    "account_id": "53d15949-b1e9-4335-a4e4-56ae8adef95e",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "amount": "987456.00",
    "created_at": "2021-03-25T21:17:08+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-25T22:02:57+00:00"

Alternatively,  you can check the balances for all foreign currencies that your customer is holding by calling the Find Balances endpoint. Again, you will need to pass on_behalf_of as a query string parameter.

GET /v2/balances/find?on_behalf_of=ce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560
X-Auth-Token: ea6d13c7bc50feb46cf978d137bc01a2

The following response shows that your customer is holding £557,685.00, and €987,456.00 in their Currencycloud sub-account.


    "balances": [
            "id": "a1c6c7dc-430c-438c-b7e2-60d33b517ab8",
            "account_id": "53d15949-b1e9-4335-a4e4-56ae8adef95e",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "amount": "987456.00",
            "created_at": "2021-03-25T21:17:08+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2021-03-25T22:02:57+00:00"
            "id": "e08bdda0-18b0-4425-aabe-2c3da28cca89",
            "account_id": "53d15949-b1e9-4335-a4e4-56ae8adef95e",
            "currency": "GBP",
            "amount": "557685.00",
            "created_at": "2021-03-25T21:18:22+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2021-03-25T22:02:58+00:00"
    "pagination": {
        "total_entries": 2,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "current_page": 1,
        "per_page": 25,
        "previous_page": -1,
        "next_page": -1,
        "order": "created_at",
        "order_asc_desc": "asc"


Step 2: Add a beneficiary at the sub-account level

If you are a client under the Sponsored or Treasury service model and contracted with The Currency Cloud Limited, then you must verify the beneficiary's account details before creating a beneficiary.

If you and your customer know the required details, you can go ahead and create a record for the beneficiary via the Create Beneficiary endpoint.

POST /v2/beneficiaries/create

If the beneficiary is successfully created, the response message will contain full details about the beneficiary as recorded in your customer's Currencycloud sub-account. Note the beneficiary's unique ID (id). You'll need this to make a payment to the beneficiary, in the next step.


    "id": "33bb1228-20fc-4569-b5b2-234c3fd9e492",
    "bank_account_holder_name": "Joe Bob",
    "name": "Joe Bob",
    "email": null,
    "payment_types": [
    "beneficiary_address": [],
    "beneficiary_country": "DE",
    "beneficiary_entity_type": null,
    "beneficiary_company_name": null,
    "beneficiary_first_name": null,
    "beneficiary_last_name": null,
    "beneficiary_city": null,
    "beneficiary_postcode": null,
    "beneficiary_state_or_province": null,
    "beneficiary_date_of_birth": null,
    "beneficiary_identification_type": null,
    "beneficiary_identification_value": null,
    "bank_country": "DE",
    "bank_name": "TEST BANK NAME",
    "bank_account_type": null,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "account_number": null,
    "routing_code_type_1": null,
    "routing_code_value_1": null,
    "routing_code_type_2": null,
    "routing_code_value_2": null,
    "bic_swift": "COBADEFF",
    "iban": "DE89370400440532013000",
    "default_beneficiary": "false",
    "creator_contact_id": "ce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560",
    "bank_address": [
    "created_at": "2021-03-25T22:52:30+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-25T22:52:30+00:00",
    "beneficiary_external_reference": null

Step 3: Make a payment on behalf of your customer

Create a payment by calling the Create Payment endpoint. Optionally, you may provide an idempotency key (via the unique_request_id parameter). This helps protect against accidental duplicate payments.

POST /v2/payments/create

Parameter NameParameter TypeExample Value
currencyForm DataEUR
beneficiary_idForm Data33bb1228-20fc-4569-b5b2-234c3fd9e492
amountForm Data10000
reasonForm DataInvoice Payment
payment_typeForm Dataregular
referenceForm Data2021-014
on_behalf_ofForm Datace404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560
unique_request_idForm Data5f022044-1277-4f7e-a68e-c68783647748

If the payment is successfully queued, the response payload will contain all the information about the payment as recorded in your customer's Currencycloud sub-account. This does not mean that the payment has been made, it just means that it is ready for processing.


    "id": "33efe062-ead2-4781-81a7-72563475603f",
    "amount": "10000.00",
    "beneficiary_id": "33bb1228-20fc-4569-b5b2-234c3fd9e492",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "reference": "2021-014",
    "reason": "Invoice Payment",
    "status": "ready_to_send",
    "creator_contact_id": "ce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560",
    "payment_type": "regular",
    "payment_date": "2021-03-29",
    "transferred_at": "",
    "authorisation_steps_required": "0",
    "last_updater_contact_id": "ce404ead-1936-4f54-ac2a-b26ec03d5560",
    "short_reference": "210326-0PC0TV750",
    "conversion_id": null,
    "failure_reason": "",
    "payer_id": "45cc568d-a837-4538-b1d8-882a367c8d46",
    "payer_details_source": "account",
    "created_at": "2021-03-26T20:32:59+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2021-03-26T20:32:59+00:00",
    "payment_group_id": null,
    "unique_request_id": "5f022044-1277-4f7e-a68e-c68783647748",
    "failure_returned_amount": "0.00",
    "ultimate_beneficiary_name": null,
    "purpose_code": null,
    "charge_type": null,
    "fee_amount": null,
    "fee_currency": null