API Reference
The integration guides provide step-by-step instructions for our most common use cases and once you’ve registered for a developer account and received your API key, you can login to make live API requests in our demo environment.
Find Funding Accounts
Gets details of the Standard Settlement Instructions (SSIs) that can be used to settle and collect funds in each available currency.
Get Sender Details
Returns a JSON structure with details of the sender of funds.
Emulate inbound funds
Triggers a production-like flow for processing funds, topping up CM balance or rejecting the transaction without topping up CM balance. This resource is only available in the Currencycloud Demo environment; it is not implemented in the Production environment.
Accept or Reject Inbound Transaction
Please be aware that this is a beta version of the endpoint and it is subject to change during this period. We will provide at least 10 days' notice before implementing any breaking changes, which will be highlighted in this box. If you are interested in using this endpoint before it is out of beta, please contact your Account Manager.
Allows you to accept or reject an inbound transaction before the funds are credited to the beneficiary’s account.
Create Conversion
Creates a new conversion. Returns the details of the created conversion on success.
Get Conversion
Gets a conversion record for the provided unique ID.
Find Conversions
Finds conversions based on search parameters. If no search parameters are provided, all conversions under the house account are returned.
Quote Conversion Cancellation
Gets a quote of the projected cost to cancel a conversion identified by a provided unique ID {id}.
Cancel a Conversion
Cancels the conversion identified by the provided unique ID {id}.
Quote Conversion Date Change
Gets a quote of the projected cost to change the date of a conversion identified by a provided unique ID {id}.
Conversion Date Change
Changes the date of the conversion identified by the provided unique ID {id}.
Retrieve Profit / Loss
Returns the information of any actions related to a conversion that have generated profit or loss, including the profit or loss amount.
Split Preview
Gets a preview of the details of each part of a split conversion specified by the provided unique conversion ID {id}.
Conversion Split
Splits the conversion specified by the unique ID {id}. Upon success, it returns the details of the parent and new child conversions.
Conversion Split History
Returns the history of executed conversion splits, specified by a unique conversion ID {id}.
Get Basic Rates
Gets indicative foreign exchange rate information for one or more currency pairs in a single request.
This endpoint is intended to provide an indication of the rate available in the market and can support requests for multiple currency pairs, so is good for polling requirements such as live FX ticker widgets. This endpoint should be used where speed, availability and the ability to request multiple currency pairs is important.
Get Detailed Rates
Gets a detailed, tradeable rate quote to convert money from one currency to another. The quotation provided will be based on the spread table of the authenticated user. There is also the option to provide a specific date for the conversion to occur.
This endpoint provides a current tradeable rate for a single currency pair. It should be used as the start of the flow before a conversion is booked. This endpoint should be used where accuracy is the most important aspect, such as when a trade is about to be booked.
Authenticates and authorizes a user to the Currencycloud API.
Submit a login ID and API key for a Currencycloud account, you can register for and API key here. A temporary authentication token is returned following a succesful login.
The authentication token is required to make requests to all other endpoints in the Currencycloud API. Tokens expire after 30 minutes of inactivity.
Token requests are limited to 60 calls per minute.
For security, Currencycloud accounts are disabled when four unsuccessful login attempts are made within a short period. In these circumstances, account holders must contact support to reactivate their account.
Authentication tokens expire automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity. If a session is no longer required, it is good security practice to retire its authentication token early rather than leave it to time out.
Create Account
Creates a new sub-account. Returns the new account entity on success.
Get Account
Gets an account or sub-account owned by the authenticated user.
Update Account
Updates a sub-account owned by the authenticated user. The updated account entity is returned on success.
Get Authenticating Account
Gets the authenticated user's main account.
Find Accounts
Returns account and any sub-accounts owned by the authenticated user. Optionally filter by account status and other criteria.
Get Payment Charges Settings
Retrieves the Payment Charges Settings for the given account.
Manage Account Payment Charges Settings
Manage a given account's Payment Charge Settings (enable, disable, set as default).
Accept Terms of Use
Endpoint for accounts using our Outsourced KYC model to accept Terms of Use.
Get Balance
Gets the balance for a currency from the account of the authenticated user.
Find Balances
Searches for currency balances in the main account or a sub-account owned by the authenticated user.
Top Up Margin Balance
Tops up the margin balance.
Get Authenticating Contact
Gets the contact record for the authenticated user.
Find Contacts
Returns contacts that match the parameters.
Get Contact
Gets the contact for the given ID.
Update Contact
Updates an existing contact. Returns the updated contact entity on success.
Create Contact
Creates a new contact and attaches it to a sub-account. Returns the new contact entity on success.
Generate HMAC Key for Contact
Generates a new HMAC key for the current contact.
Find Bank Details
Returns the related bank details for the given account reference.
Get Beneficiary Requirements
Returns the information that is required to make payments to beneficiaries in specified currencies and countries.
Get Conversion Dates
Provides a list of upcoming non-trading dates, such as weekends or public holidays, for a specified currency pair. Common use cases include situations where this information needs to be provided, or for planning upcoming conversion bookings.
Many currencies are triangulated; this means that holidays affecting the intermediary currency, as well as the sale and purchase currencies, will impact transactions. Find out more at our support article.
Get Available Currencies
Gets a list of all currencies that can be traded on the Currencycloud platform.
Get Payer Requirements
Returns the payer information you need to provide to create a payment. Requirements vary depending on the location of the payer, the type of payment to be made (priority or regular), and other factors.
Get Payment Dates
Gets a list of invalid payment dates for a given currency covering a two months period from the start_date specified. A payment date is when a payment will be executed by Currencycloud. Payments cannot be made on some days, for example when banks are closed.
Get Payment Fee Rules
Gets the payment fee information set up for the account / payment type provided.
Get Payment Purpose Codes
Gets a list of payment purpose codes for a given currency and entity type. When initiating cross-border payments, the central bank of the country may require a purpose to be included with your transaction in order for your payment to be accepted and processed. If a payment purpose code is required but not provided, your payment may be delayed or rejected by the beneficiary bank.
Get Settlement Accounts
Gets settlement account information - a list of accounts that require funding in order to allow for outstanding transactions to be processed.
Generate Conversion Report
Returns a JSON structure with details of the conversion report requested.
Generate Payment Report
Returns a JSON structure with details of the payments report requested.
Find Report Requests
Searches for report requests made. Returns a JSON structure with details of matching report requests.
Retrieves a Report Request with the given ID
Searches for a report by ID. Returns a JSON structure with details of the specified report request.
Find Transactions
Search for transactions.
Get Transaction
Gets a transaction record.
Find Withdrawal Account
Lists all withdrawal accounts assigned to an account.
Pull Funds From Withdrawal Account
Submits an ACH pull request from a specific withdrawal account. The funds will be pulled into the account the specified withdrawal account is related to.
Find Beneficiaries
Returns beneficiaries attached to the account or any sub-account owned by the authenticated user.
Get Beneficiary
Gets a beneficiary with the given ID.
Update Beneficiary
Updates an existing beneficiary. Returns the updated beneficiary entity on success.
Please note that it's not possible to change a beneficiary's entity type (company or individual) by an update. To achieve this, you should create a new beneficiary.
Create Beneficiary
Creates a new beneficiary. Returns the new beneficiary entity on success.
Delete Beneficiary
Delete a beneficiary associated with a sub-account. If the deletion is successful, the beneficiary's final state is returned.
Validate Beneficiary
Validates a new beneficiary's bank details, without actually creating a record of the beneficiary. On success, returns an object that represents the entity that would be created if the beneficiary was saved.
Verify Beneficiary Account
This service is currently only available to in-scope clients who must provide Confirmation of Payee services to their end-users making local GBP payments in the UK.
In the UK, Confirmation of Payee is a peer-to-peer name-checking service designed to help reduce misdirected payments and provide greater assurance that payments are being sent, and collected from, the intended account holder for UK domestic payments.
Currently, access is restricted to UK institutions and in-scope clients.
We plan to add more market coverage to this API in the future, thereby extending access to additional clients.
If you're interested in learning more or have received notification that you're in-scope, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Create Payment
Submits a payment. On success, returns the new payment record. Use the Get Payer Requirements endpoint to find out what payer information needs to be provided.
Sponsored model clients who are implementing Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for payments should refer to our integration guide.
Find Payments
Searches for payment records.
Get Payment
Gets a payment record.
Update Payment
Updates a payment. On success, returns the updated payment entity.
Get Payment Confirmation
Gets confirmation for a given payment.
Get Payment Submission
Gets the MT103 information for a Swift payment.
Delete Payment
Delete a payment. On success, returns the final payment record state.
Get Payment Tracking Information
Gets the tracking information for a payment.
Get Payment Delivery Date
Gets payment delivery date.
Get Quote Payment Fee
Gets the calculated quote for the fee that will be applied against a payment.
Validate Payment
Validates the details of a new payment without creating a record of the payment. On success, returns an object containing a string validation_result with value "success".
Sponsored model clients who are implementing Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for payments should refer to our integration guide.
Get Payer
Get a payer record.
Create Transfer
Transfers funds from one account to another. No currency conversion is performed, so the sending and receiving accounts must hold money in the same currency.
Get Transfer
Returns the money transfer record with the given ID.
Find Transfers
Searches for transfer records that meet the given criteria.
Cancel Transfer
Requests that a transfer be cancelled.